Graduate Assistantships
Students, staff, and supervisors can use this page to familiarize themselves with graduate assistantship policies and procedures.
*Students must be admitted into a full-time graduate degree program at Providence College
to be eligible to apply for graduate assistantships*
Assistantships are posted on a rolling basis. Some assistantships will be posted in November for the upcoming Spring but MOST assistantships will be posted between March and April for the upcoming Fall. Please continue to check FriarHub for current available positions.
GA Guidelines for Students
How to Apply
Before applying for a graduate assistantship in FriarHub, students must be admitted into a full-time Providence College graduate degree program. Certificates and part-time programs are ineligible for graduate assistantships.
- Admitted graduate students without a conferred degree must sign up for a FriarHub account. If you are coming from an institution other than Providence College, do not use that institutions email address as your FriarHub login. Please use a personal email address.
- Providence College students without a conferred degree may use their current PC email address to create a FriarHub account.
- Once you have created a FriarHub account, you will be able to search for available graduate assistantships. Keep in mind that assistantships are posted on a rolling basis. Some assistantships will be posted in November for the upcoming Spring but MOST assistantships will be posted between March and April for the upcoming Fall.
- Assistantships are competitive so be sure to apply to several for the best chance at being hired.
- If you successfully complete the interview process and are hired for a graduate assistantship, you must complete the required paperwork for the position to be considered official. Find required paperwork here.
- GA positions are academic awards, thus GAs are expected to prioritize academic responsibilities above work responsibilities.
- GAs are expected to average no more than 20 hours of work per week in their position and to track their hours.
- GAs must maintain good academic standing (≥ 3.0 gpa). GA positions will not be renewed for students on academic probation (falling below 3.0 gpa).
- GAs are not permitted to work remotely.
- *There are an extremely limited number of graduate assistantship positions that will be offered to full-time students admitted to the online M.S. in Sports Administration program. A small number of qualified candidates for the program will be invited to apply for assistantship positions through their graduate admission decision letter.
Position Length
- GA positions are characterized as either ‘9-month (academic year)’ or ‘12-month (calendar year)’ assistantships. The 9- or 12-month period for each position begins at that position’s start date, as defined by the predetermined start dates. Each year ends on Graduate Commencement Day, regardless of the start date.
- Two-year GA appointments are reviewed at the end of year 1. Renewal for a second year will be based on a combination of academic and job performance.
- Any renewal for a second year is subject to the terms and conditions of the program at such time, which may be different from the terms and conditions during the first year and may include changes to the tuition remission benefit and compensation.
Benefits & Pay
- With the exception of students awaiting the conferral of degrees in May, benefits of an assistantship do not begin before the position start date. Benefits end when the student leaves her/his program of study or completes their degree requirements.
- GA positions provide a stipend of approximately $700/month for year one and $750/month for year two, paid on a bi-weekly basis, for all months beginning with your start date. Click here for the 2025 student payroll calendar.
- 9-month positions (academic year) cover the cost of tuition for 3 (minimum) or 4 (maximum) classes in the fall and spring semesters and up to 2 classes in the winter session, but do not cover the cost of Maymester or summer session classes.
- 12-month positions (calendar year) provide tuition remission for 3 (minimum) or 4 (maximum) classes in the fall and spring semesters, up to 2 classes in the winter session, and 1 (minimum) or 2 (maximum) classes total across the two summer sessions and Maymester. Due to an abbreviated Winter 2025 term, students in 12-month positions will be permitted to take up to three courses in summer sessions during Summer 2025.
- Classes not required by the GA’s program, pass/fail, audit, or non-required SCE classes, do not receive tuition remission.
- GA’s are responsible for any fees associated with their program, such as lab fees, graduation fees, late registration fees, etc.
Withdrawals & Final Semester
- If a student withdraws from their program of study and stops working before the completion of the semester/term, then the GA stipend is stopped.
- If a student withdraws from a course(s) and falls below the minimum required by the award, they will be charged tuition for the remainder of the semester on a pro-rated basis.
- In their final semester, GAs only need to take those courses required for graduation. Students cannot continue in a GA position once all course requirements are met.
Have more questions? Watch this training all about Graduate Assistantships.
GA Guidelines for Supervisors
How is a student awarded a GA opportunity?
After a student is admitted into a graduate program, they are eligible to apply for a graduate assistant position. Once eligible, students will apply for a GA position through FriarHub.
The GA process is competitive, and a student may have applied to more than one department. A student’s degree must relate to the duties and responsibilities associated with the GA position. Therefore, as a supervisor, you may not be able to consider every student your applicant pool. Supervisors may not make offers of GA positions to students who have not yet applied or been accepted into graduate programs.
How many GA positions are available?
There are a limited number of GA positions available to students who plan to pursue their graduate studies on a full-time basis (9 + credits per semester). This also depends on the number of vacancies created by current GAs who are graduating. Graduation notifications are available at the end of October and beginning of February.
What’s the difference between 9- and 12-month positions?
9-month positions (academic year) cover the cost of tuition for 3 (minimum) or 4 (maximum) classes in the fall and spring semesters and up to 2 classes in the winter session, but do not cover the cost of Maymester or summer session classes. *This tuition assistance policy is applicable through the 2024/25 academic year and is subject to change in the future.*
12-month positions (calendar year) provide tuition remission for 3 (minimum) or 4 (maximum) classes in the fall and spring semesters, up to 2 classes in the winter session, and 1 (minimum) or 2 (maximum) classes total across the two summer sessions and Maymester. Due to an abbreviated Winter 2025 term, students in 12-month positions will be permitted to take up to three courses in summer sessions during Summer 2025.
How do I post my GA position?
Creating a posting, reviewing and managing applications, and hiring is all done through the FriarHub platform.
I have hired a GA, now what?
If a student has accepted your GA offer, you must first complete the GA Hiring Notification Form.
A welcome letter will be generated and sent out by the Office of Graduate Admission that confirms the position, hiring supervisor, hourly commitment and stipend compensation. The letter will also contain some brief policies and provide a web link where the student can obtain/print the packet of paperwork required.
Keep in mind that assistantships are not automatically renewed for a second year. If you have any performance concerns or the student is not meeting academic progress, you should communicate your concerns to the Office of Graduate Admission. The decision to rehire for a second year is jointly made by the supervisor and the academic program director.
Once a student has accepted your GA offer, you must first complete a GA Hiring Notification Form (found in the resources below). This form includes the start/hire date.
For graduation end date or position resignation/termination, you must complete a Change of Status Form (also found below).
Required student paperwork can be found below under “Resources for Students.”
Final semester of a graduate program
In a student’s final semester as a graduate assistant, they are not required to take 3 classes if they have fewer than 3 required courses left. Students can take as little as one class if that is all they have left to complete their program.
Relatedly, free elective courses are not covered by the tuition remission package. So, if required to take an elective as part of their program, that course will be covered, but students who opt to take a course that does not fulfill a requirement in the program will have to cover tuition on their own.
Full-time status
A graduate assistant must be full-time (i.e. 9+ credits) each semester. The only exception is in the final semester (see above).
If a student drops below a 3.0 cumulative GPA in 9 credits they must end their assistantship immediately. It is also a possibility that tuition remission could be prorated or rescinded entirely.
The Office of Graduate Admission will monitor enrollment for all GAs.
Start Dates
Once a student is hired, they cannot begin taking classes or working until their undergraduate degree is conferred and all their paperwork is formally processed. Supervisors, therefore, need to plan ahead in their hiring.
Start Dates:
Fall: Monday, one week before classes commence
Spring: Monday, one week before classes commence
Summer I: First day of classes
Summer II: First day of classes
A 9-month position begins one week before the start of fall classes and a 12-month position begins no sooner than the first workday after the College’s May graduation, no exceptions.
Finally, since many colleges do not confer their undergraduate degrees well into the summer, GAs in a 12-month position may not be able to start courses until the second summer session, and they cannot start working until their undergraduate degree has been conferred.
GA Calendar and Holidays
Graduate Assistants generally follow the same holiday schedule as PC staff: Labor Day, Columbus Day, Wed/Thurs/Fri of Thanksgiving week, MLK Day, President’s Day, Memorial Day, July 4, and Juneteenth are all days off. There is a GA calendar available in the resource section below.
Additionally, Graduate Assistants have a winter break beginning at the end of finals, with a return to work in January (Monday after Christmas break). Finally, Graduate Assistants do not work on Holy Thursday, Good Friday, or Easter Monday.
Please note that Graduate Assistants are not required to make up hours that they do not work due to a holiday or weather cancellation.
How many hours can my GA work per week?
Graduate Assistants are only allowed, by federal regulation and College policy, to work an average of 20 hours per week. By federal definition, 20 hours per week is a monthly average. Supervisors should not be putting GAs in a position of being in violation of these regulations.
The college observes holidays and there is no exception for Graduate Assistants to work on holidays. Please see the GA Holiday Schedule.
Graduate Assistants are required to take at least a 30 minute break (unpaid) when performing 8 consecutive hours of work. Lunch breaks are not part of the 20-hour work week.
Graduate Assistants should not be working more than 8 hours a day.
International graduate students are restricted by law to a maximum of 20 hours per week.
Graduate students are considered students first and employees second. Therefore, a graduate student’s coursework should take priority over GA position responsibilities. Students should not miss class to fulfill a work responsibility, and supervisors should not request that they miss class for work or adjust class schedules to fulfill responsibilities.
Banner Access
If access to forms/screens is required, you will need to reach out to the form owner and request permission.
The form owner will work with IT to grant access and follow up when the request has been approved.
End Dates
The last day a 9-month GA can work in your department (in their first or second year) is the last working day before graduation.
Students in the second year of a 12-month GA will automatically have a termination date of the last working day before graduation.
A 9-month position will be automatically placed on hiatus (the last working day before graduation) after their first year to stop the stipend from paying out over the summer.
Job descriptions
GAs may request their job description from you at any time. You may also access the position posting in FriarHub. Supervisors are responsible for updating the position description every time the position is renewed and posted. Please remember to double check that the academic year is correct.
Payment of Stipend
GAs are paid on a bi-weekly basis. Therefore, each check will reflect 40 hours worked.
A student’s first check will be prorated if their start date is anything other than the first day of the pay period.
Tuition Assistance
All courses eligible for tuition assistance must be required as part of a student’s degree program. Classes not required for degree completion (pass/fail, audit, or non-required SCE classes) are not eligible for tuition remission.
Tuition assistance begins no sooner than the position start date or the first day of the semester, whichever is first and ends when the student leaves their program of study or completes their degree requirements.
Students will need to pay out of pocket for any classes taken that are outside of the above parameters.
Also, GA tuition assistance does not cover any classes that a student may need to take to complete degree requirements after the two-year GA eligibility concludes. For example, for a student completing a 9 or 12-month GA in May but needing to take a few more classes to complete degree requirements in the summer, those classes will not have tuition benefits.
Questions related to the processing of hiring paperwork (i.e. I-9 & W4’s) should be directed to the Office of Financial Aid at or x2286.
Questions related to a paycheck & W4’s should be direct to the Payroll Department at x2285.
Resources for Students
FriarHub for students GA Paperwork GA Holiday Schedule Getting Connected Campus ResourcesResources for Supervisors
FriarHub for Supervisors GA Hiring Notification Form GA Change of Status Form Position Posting InstructionsContact Us
The best way to reach us is by email. We look forward to hearing from you!
Todd Hopkins
Coordinator of Graduate Admission
Harkins Hall
Graduate Admission
Office of Graduate Admission
Harkins Hall 109