Renewal of Aid

​​​​​​​​Information on this page is also available in the publications section of our website.  Visit our Publication Section to view or print the 23-24 Renewing/Applying for Financial Aid FAQ ​in PDF format.

All need-based financial assistance at Providence College is renewable for all four undergraduate years (i.e. maximum of eight full-time semesters) provided a student remains in good academic standing and continues to demonstrate similar financial need each year. Students must reapply for federal financial assistance each year by completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Students must also reapply for institutional need-based assistance by completing the CSS Profile.  Please note, students who only have merit-based assistance, are not required to renew the FAFSA & CSS Profile. Also, students who are only interested in federal financial assistance only need to complete a FAFSA.

Depending upon your calculated need in subsequent years, your aid award can vary. The principle factors used in computing your need are the same every year. These factors include such things as family income, assets, household size and number of family members in college. The award that you receive for your first year usually provides a rough indication of the level and type of aid that you may expect to receive in subsequent years.

Renewal/reminder information will be distributed (to both students and parents) from the Office of Financial Aid in the months leading up to the published deadline for students who have a FAFSA on file for the current year. The deadlines for completing a renewal FAFSA & CSS Profile can be found in the Deadline for Returning Students in the Information for Current Undergraduates section.

When renewal awards for on-time undergraduate day students are available (typically end of June), students will receive an email at their PC email address prompting them to view their CyberFriar account. For students who missed the renewal deadline funding is subject to availability (see late policies) and renewal awards will be released on a rolling basis beginning in July.

For undergraduate evening and graduate students, notices of financial assistance are made available on a weekly basis beginning in the month of May.

Late Applications

Funding will be subject to availability for those who do not comply with the published renewal deadline regardless of current need level or prior year award (see late policies).

First-Time Applications

Students will be automatically considered for federal funds. Students, who did not previously apply for financial aid, will be considered for institutional grant assistance on a funds available basis and only if all required financial aid applications are filed on-time to meet the published financial aid renewal deadline.

Changing Housing Status

If you change your housing status in subsequent years from on-campus to off-campus, most often there is no change to your offer of financial assistance. The housing and food charges incurred as a resident student are often similar in expense as the rent and food you pay out of pocket as on off-campus resident.

If you change your housing status in subsequent years from on or off campus to commuter, there could be a change in your offer of financial assistance. Since the expenses associated with commuting from home (i.e. living with parents) are less than those on or off campus, your corresponding aid could decrease since your expenses have decrease by living at home.